10 Cow Dairy Farm Income In Pakistan

How Cow Rearing?

I’m going to tell you about cow rearing for-profit cow is a very useful domestic animal dairy cows are reared exclusively to produce milk. In this session, we will learn the selection of breed of cows how to feed cows for more milk, the clearing of cows, calves here and the management of pregnant cows housing. So, first, let’s talk about the selection of cow breed. Proper selection is the first and most important step that is adopted in dairy animals should be selected according to the climate, the animal should be selected based on its breed characters. Production of animals also varies within a breed. Other factors affecting milk production are the age of the animal frequency of milking, management, type of nutrition, environment, stage of pregnancy etc.

milk production capacity, disease resistance, physical resistance, adaptability and heat tolerance, temperament and dairy disposition so the spirit breed of cows in India indigenous high milk yielding breeds in India include read Cindy Sahiba and give exotic or foreign breeds of cows include jersey, Holstein Frazier, and browns with Indian breeds of cows with high milk yielding capacity and linear lactation period across with bullets of exotic breeds to upgrade the quality of Indian breeds high milk yielding cows the blood through crossbreeding are currents with a Frazier, the fellows in India by feathers or the melt animals, which provide us with a large amount of milk. Buffalo milk is the largest source of milk in India. Mora a high yielding breed of a fellow from Punjab and Haryana yields 26 to 30 litres of milk per day Mehsana from khasra yields up to 15 to 20 litres of milk every day. Other high milk yielding varieties includes jofra body nearly Nagpur and sooty.

How to Feed cows for more milk. proper food and nutrition are important for the well being of milk animals. The food given to the animal is called a feed. The feed contains all the components essential for growth and development. animal feed comprises roughage and concentrates the food of the cow determines the quality and quantity of milk produced. It is important that the farmer meets the nutritional requirements of a dairy cow by providing adequate rations. For a healthy and productive cow feed, Russia must have a balance of quantity, quality protein, minerals and vitamins. A refers to coarse, fibrous substances with low nutrient content in the animal feed. Animals get referred from substances such as strong green fodder, stylage, and legumes. fodder is a heavy fodder that is full of energy and protein. It is concentrated in foods that are low in fiber and are rich in nutrients.

It is rich in carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, grains, seeds, sweets, bran, rice bran, alfalfa and alfalfa and provides all essential nutrients. Dairy animals also require adjectives comprising non-nutritive material, For example, disease-fighting antibiotics and growth hormones. These substances are added to feed to increase the growth and production of animal milk and to protect against disease. These are important for high milk production in dairy cows. A dairy cow should consume 15 to 20 kg afforded daily caring of cows and carts. It is important to pay attention to the health and hygiene status of the cows and calves. keep them clean and dry. Cows need many dairy components to stay healthy. high yielding dairy cows require high amounts of protein such as mixed wheat feed, alfalfa, and other protein supplements. They also require salts and minerals.

Feed them well in the morning with all nutritious foods. Sitting in the shelter all day weakens their bowls. They should be left in the open ground twice a day, as it keeps them active. Maintaining cows and good and medium weight is very important to ensure their health. Please jute bags over the cow shed in winter. provide fresh and clean water to your animals during all seasons. Consult the wet for advice. It is recommended to us as cows once every two months. Good foods ensure good health and maximum production. Always try to provide an adequate quantity of high quality and nutritious food to cows. Greens help to maximise milk production. add as many greens as possible to regular feed make a grazing place for your cows. dairy cows require more water than any other animal. Their milk contains a large amount of water.

Generally, a dairy cow needs about five litres of water to produce one litre of milk. breeding of cows the ability to detect heat cycles among your cows and heifers is invaluable if you want to ensure your herd’s reproductive performance. Failure to detect when cows are in heat and breeding cows that aren’t and heat is a major contributor to low fertility and economic loss for producers. recognising signs of heat first standing to be mounted, mounting other vowels, mucus discharge, swelling and reddening of the Whirlpool billowing restlessness and trailing, rubbed, tail head hair and 30 flats, chin resting and back rubbing, sniffing and licking, care and management of pregnant counts. taking good care and proper management is the main step to succeed in any animal husbandry business.

If you realise them on time, management of good care of pregnant animals will yield good carbs and high milk yield. immunise girls against diseases. There should be a separate shelter room for pregnant comes. Feed quality feeds good quality of leguminous feed still Further, wheat bran, oats and lizard oil seeds provide calcium supplements. special care should be taken about mineral and vitamin deficiencies, as they can cause serious adverse effects on the newly born calf. The animal should neither be lean nor fat. Water should be provided for drinking at frequent intervals to not allow them to fight with other animals. a wider slippery condition that causes fractures, dislocations, etc.

Housing to keep the cows healthy, productive and free from diseases good habitat is very important with proper ventilation system and ensure adequate flow of fresh air and light inside the house. A concrete house is very suitable for God’s proper drainage of rainwater should be arranged to maintain a healthy environment. A lot of water is required for farm operations such as washing, farming, processing of milk etc. A continuous water supply is essential electricity must be available on the shed. farms should be away from the noise-producing factory or chemical industry. industrial waste materials in the form of gaseous or liquid can pollute the surrounding resources

Identifying Sick Livestock in Your Farm

Identifying Sick Livestock in Your Farm

Raising livestock can be challenging. Even with the best management, animals can become sick. Knowing when you have a healthy animal is easy. They’re bright, alert, responsive to their environment, have a shiny hair coat and a good appetite. But do you know when your animals not doing well? Do you know when you should call your veterinarian? Hi, I’m Dr Lisa Lowen. Extension veterinarian for the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Knowing your animal’s normal behaviour and vital signs are an important step in knowing when they’re healthy or not healthy. It’s also crucial that you have a good working relationship with a local veterinarian that can come out when you need them to assess your animal.

Together, you guys can put together a great working relationship for good herd health and overall productivity and longevity of your herd. How do you know if your animals are sick? Generally speaking, anytime their behaviour is off, you should investigate. Ask yourself, are they separating themselves away from the rest of the herd. animals that are sick spend a lot of time by themselves, they may not come up to the feed bunk to eat, they may be seeking solitude in the woods. So you need to check those animals out. Also, look at their general appearance in terms of cleanliness. animals that are not feeling well spend a lot of time lying down, and they may have their flanks covered with dirt and manure. And if they’re the only animal in the herd that looks like that. It’s a good indication that they’re not feeling well. If you have an animal that cannot stand and their recumbent that needs immediate veterinary attention.

Similarly, if you’re seeing any neurologic signs of the animal laying on its side and paddling its legs. If it’s having a seizure, or if it appears blind, you should contact your veterinarian for advice. Also if you have an animal that can stand, but it’s non-weight bearing on one limb that requires immediate attention because there’s a serious lameness issue going on. Eating and drinking is an important part of overall animal health. But sometimes when you have animals out on pasture, you may not know if they’ve been eating. Luckily for us, ruminants have designed an easy way for us to tell. If you go to the left side of the animal, there’s a little triangular area called the parallel lumbar fossa. And we’ve outlined this with some tape.

It starts at the last rib goes across to the hip bone, and then forms a nice little triangle, the rumen or the big large fermentation, that compartment of the stomach lies directly below this parallel lumbar fossa. If the animal has been eating, there’ll be food in the rumen. And this parallel bar fossa will be distended to about the level of the last rib. If the animal has not been eating, this area will become sunken and there will be a very visible triangular indent in the side of the animal. Now again, this is on the left side because that’s where the rumen is on the body. If you notice that your animal has this triangular indent pushed greatly out and they’re having trouble breathing.

That indicates that we’ve got a condition called rumen bloat where there’s too much gas accumulating in that room, and that’s a medical emergency and you need to call your veterinarian right away. So when in doubt, if you’re not sure if your animals have been eating, look at the triangular area of the parallel lumbar fossa. And that will tell you animals that are not drinking enough soon become dehydrated. And as an owner, there’s an easy way for you to check to see if your animals becoming dehydrated. If we grab the skin on the neck and retract it, just pull it gently and let go. It should bounce right back to its normal position. If the skin stays tented after you pull it, that indicates that the animals are dehydrated. You can also do this over the eye and grab the skin over the eye and it should bounce right back.

And then with ruminant animals, animals that chew their cud, there’s also a special thing that happens with them. When they become severely dehydrated, the eye will retract away from the skull and kind of sink back into the head. Some farmers refer to this as being sunken eyes. So if you see that the eyeball itself is sinking back into the skull, that’s a sign of severe dehydration and your veterinarian should be contacted so that fluids can be administered to your animal. It’s always important to monitor urination and defecation in the animals. If you have a male animal and you observe them stretching out with their back legs behind them straining to urinate, you may or may not see urine actually dripping from the previews. But if it’s not a full constant stream of urine, that’s a problem that indicates that they have some sort of urinary tract obstruction and they need immediate medical attention because without it, their bladder will continue to fill with urine and it can potentially rupture. In terms of desiccation. It depends on what kind of ruminant you have. For sheep and goats. They have pelleted faeces and it should remain a normal pellet.

If the pellet becomes loose, clumped or watery diarrhoea That’s a big problem for cattle if it becomes projectile diarrhoea most definitely a problem that warrants having your veterinarian come out. If it’s looser than normal manure, and the animals losing a lot of weight, again, that indicates that you need to contact your veterinarian for an investigative workup. Pneumonia can be a common problem in farm animals. One way that you can tell if your animals having some respiratory issues is to take their respiratory rate. If you stand back and watch their chest move, each time that it moves will count as one respiration. Count that for a minute, and that will give you the respiratory rate. If you go to our website, we will have listings of all the different vital signs including respiratory rates for all the different farm animal species.

Another part of looking to see if your animals having respiratory problems is to check out their nose. A normal healthy animal will have a small amount of clear moisture around both nostrils. And the animal will also be licking their nose a lot to keep them clean farm animals like to keep food and dirt off of their nose. So if you see a lot of feet stuck to the nose, if you see thick mucus coming out or blood coming out, that indicates that you have some sort of respiratory problem and your veterinarian should be contacted so that they can work up the issue for you. One of the best things you can do as an owner is to get the vital signs of your animal before you call your veterinarian. That gives them a better idea of what may be going on before they come to your farm.

We talked about how you can get the respirations of the animal by counting the chest movements. The other thing you can do is to take a rectal temperature using a regular digital thermometer inserted into the rectum. When it beeps, pull it out, read the temperature and record it on a piece of paper. You can also get the heart rate back here, there’s an artery that runs in the middle of the tail. So if you put your hand about the level of the rectum, let your fingers fall into a natural groove that falls in the middle of the tail, wrap your thumb around just to help hold your fingers in place. And then gently put a little bit of pressure and count for 30 seconds or 15 seconds to get the heart rate per minute.

If you have trouble because the cow moving its tail too much, or they’re a little bit nervous having you hold it, you can also get the heart rate by listening to the heart. To do that, you’re going to need a stethoscope and you can buy an inexpensive, inexpensive stethoscope online or you may be able to buy one at your local Co Op. The heart is located behind the elbow of the animal. So you find the elbow at the top of the leg. And you’re going to take the headpiece of the stethoscope and press it deep underneath that elbow and hold it in place and again count for 15 seconds or 30 and you’ll be able to get the heart rate. You want to make sure that you tuck this in deep because if you don’t, you’re not going to hear the heart.

So once you get it in there, and you hear the rhythmic beating of the heart, again counting for 15 or 30 seconds, get the heart rate recorded, and then you’ll have some good information to give your veterinarian.

Six Primary Dairy Breeds In United State

Six Primary Dairy Breeds In United State

There are six primary breeds of dairy cattle raised in the United States. They are the

  1. Holstein

  2. Jersey

  3. Brown Swiss

  4. Guernsey

  5. Ayrshire

  6. Milking Shorthorns

The overwhelming majority of our country’s milk supply comes from Holstein, jersey, and Brown Swiss breeds. Of those three over 90% of the nation’s milk comes from the familiar black and white pattern Holstein. The reason for that is mainly about the volume of the common breeds Holsteins are the largest cows and can reach weights of more than 1500 pounds. because of their size, mature Holsteins can produce much more milk with cows producing nearly nine gallons of high-quality milk each day.

One of the things that differentiate the dairy breeds is the components of their milk, or the biological makeup of the milk components like butterfat, which makes milk taste sweeter and creamier, and protein, which provides nutrients and energy are extremely valuable. Smaller breeds such as the jersey and guernseys are well known for their higher quality components. That’s important since they don’t produce as much volume. So the quality is valuable to farmers who can sell their higher butterfat milk to processors who make foods like butter, cheese, or ice cream, which breed each farmer chooses to care for on their farm is a personal preference and business decision. Some farmers even have several different breeds on their farms.

Each farmer must decide which breed provides them with the most value, and how can they provide that cow with the various food, water, shelter, and medical care so the animals are healthy and happy, and ultimately produce the most high-quality milk. The most important thing to remember is that all milk produced by these various dairy breeds is nutritious, containing nine essential nutrients including protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and much more. Even better, the milk is always delicious.

Dairy Cattle Breeds Found in United State

Dairy Cattle Breeds Found in United State

Let’s talk about dairy cattle breeds. So really in the US, there’s only six, arguably maybe seven major breeds that we milk on a regular basis. And we are going to look at 10 different breeds here. So the other three or four are basically less common. Definitely not used as much in the dairy industry, but still important for one reason or another. So we’re going to talk about one right away that you may have never heard of before. So number 21 is the American milking Devon. And this breed really isn’t used much anymore. However, it was absolutely probably the most important animal to early people living in the United States. The Pilgrims first brought this breed over, back in the 1700s. And they were used for milk and meat and as draft animals.

So they were the oxen that pulled the carts that ploughed the farms, they were actually the draft animal of choice that pulled waggons across the Oregon Trail, their hardiness and their usefulness made them a really essential breed too early Americans because you had a food source of both meat and milk, and you had a source of labour and transportation. Unfortunately, now there’s only about 500 to 1500 left in America, and they actually originated in England in Devon shear, hence their name, Devon. But they’ve been crossbred so many times there now that there are no purebreds left there at all. And in America, what happened was as the shorthorn breed gained in popularity, these devices became much rarer. And now they’re usually only found in New England, where the climate is too cold for short horns, and mostly at historical sites.

So Plymouth Plantation, Jamestown, that sort of thing, because that’s what that’s the cow that needs to be there for historical accuracy since that’s what those early colonies would have been raising in the 1950s. This breed was bred to increase its beef characteristics, and it wound up actually splitting so there is an actual beef Devins breed as well. And that was formed in 1978. For colours very similar to a red Angus or red pool, where there that dark red colour with the lighter muzzle and the lighter otter, and then they have black tips on their white horns and the horns kind of curl forwards and slightly up at the end. But you can see the black tip on there. They’re well adapted to low input management. So you don’t have to, you know, be taking care of them every day. They can kind of live on their own, and they’re good for harsh environments.

They’re medium size, so they’re smaller than a Holstein, but they are larger than a jersey. And their butterfat is actually pretty comparable to a jersey when they’re Milt. So with number 22, we’re going to get into one of those six most common breeds that we do have, and that is the air share. So the air share is a Scottish breed, it’s a red and white colour. And they are a little bit tough to tell apart sometimes from red and white Holsteins. So part of the way that I like to do that is I noticed that there spots so is kind of jagged edges. And that’s one way that you can tell them apart from their colours also a little bit more of a yellowy red. And their milk is referred to as the ideal drinking milk. So for that fluid milk market, it’s perfect.

It’s got a matte, moderate amount of butterfat and really high protein. The fat particles in Ayrshire milk are actually slightly smaller and they’re better distributed. So it’s actually easier to make this milk into cheese and yoghurt and ice cream and a lot of those dairy products. These guys are really efficient grazers. They’re known for being exceptionally resistant to stress. And one example of that is in 1929, they walked two of these cows from Vermont all the way to Missouri for a show. And then once they got there they have normally and they produce some of the most outstanding milk records that the country’s ever seen at that point. So really tremendously hardy cows.

They also naturally have horns that are usually a for longer, but they are usually D horned as calves because you can imagine a lot of cattle living together in close situations like that. They would actually hurt each other if they kept their horns and the bull calves for air shares make really good beef steers because they don’t get yellow tallow, so the fat doesn’t yellow and that actually would reduce the carcass quality if that happened. So they’re pretty good for beef. Another one of the major very breeds in the US is the Brown Swiss and these guys are from the Swiss Alps. So They thrive at high elevations, and they’re really resistant to extreme temperatures. This is the oldest of all the dairy breeds. And some people think it dates back as far as 4000 BC, they have the ideal milk for cheese because it has the perfect fat to protein ratio.

There, this greyish brown to tan colour, and they have a dark nose with a white muzzle surrounding it. So that’s one of the ways that you can pick them out. Otherwise, they can look similar to some of the jerseys and the Guernsey cows. So these guys are known for having a pretty docile temperament and being really inquisitive and curious. So they’re nice cows to have around. They have the second-highest annual milk yield as well. And they tend to be very large cattle. So this would be in the same size range as a Holstein. Hopefully, you remember number 24 from our section on beef breeds. So the shorthorn in here we call it the dairy shorthorn is really the same breed. Although depending on whether you wanted to keep a herd for beef or for dairy, you would probably try to breed for certain characteristics. So just like the beef, shorthorn, they come in red, red and white or Rhone. And this is a medium-sized cow.

They were originally dual purpose. And in 1958, these guys officially became a different breed from the beef variety of shorthorn, they’re easy to breed, they produce smaller calves than most cows. And that really leads to fewer complications, because there’s less to get kind of stuck in the birth canal. They also have really great reproductive efficiency, meaning that you can breed them quicker, and you don’t have to give them as long of drying off period in between. and they’ll still produce just as much milk. The bull calves make really profitable beef steers because of their beef history.

So there’s a really high salvage value when you do have bull calves born, and they’re significantly less prone to disease than Holsteins or other cattle because of that shorthorn background. They really feed efficient, and they have the lowest cost to raise out of any dairy cattle. So this can be really a profitable dairy breed, and it is one of our major ones still. The next one that we’re going to see is the Dutch felted. Sometimes this is called a lock-in valder. And that literally means that there’s a white cloth draped over their body. And that’s what lock and builder translate to. So these guys might look real similar to those belted Galloways that we saw with our beef breeds. And they come in the same colours. They’re either black or brown is a base coat with that white belt down the middle.

What’s kind of interested in interesting is that they’re really not related to the belt of Galloway at all. These guys come from the Netherlands. And they were bred by the Dutch specifically for this pattern because the Dutch were fascinated with this pattern. And they actually bred it into a lot of different animals. So you can find goats and pigs and rabbits that all have this particular marking. So for instance, Hampshire pigs have this belt on them. And that is just the duchas fascination with kind of these Oreo cookie looking coats. They’re also much larger than the belted Galloways and they have horns where the Galloway’s are pulled Galloway’s have that double coat that helps keep the warm Dutch belt to do not they would not do as well in the cold weather as that beef cow would.

And interestingly, PT Barnum, the big circus guy was one of the first importers of Dutch belted cows to the US, and he had a large herd that he’s showed off for their unusual colouring. The milk yield from these guys is comparable to Holsteins, but they’re not nearly as popular. Their milk is actually fairly easily digestible because it has small fat globules. They’re small bones, which makes for easy calving. And they are known for their longevity and fertility. So they’re able to have and be milked into their team so you can keep them around a lot longer. However, this is a critically endangered breed. There’s only 200 of them in the US. Mostly This is because the Dutch were resistant to sell their prized cattle. So the European stocks suffered. And then both World Wars really made that worse.

That was worse and even further by the USDA bio programme in the 1980s when 1000s of dairy cattle were sold for beef to reduce the herd size in an attempt to raise milk prices. So these guys really aren’t found as much anymore. Next on our list is the Guernsey which is named for an island that is one of the Channel Islands in between the coast of France and England in the English Channel. They are this Fon are reddish blonde colour and white and usually have patches on their body but you notice they’re much lighter tannish yellow in comparison to the air shares. currencies are known for extremely feeding efficient and they need 20 to 30% less feed than other breeds to produce the same amount of milk.

They reach reproductive maturity earlier, they have a higher heat tolerance, and they’re known for rich yellow coloured milk that’s really high in beta carotene. 60% of guernseys have a Kappa case and B gene, which produces excellent milk for making cheese has a firmer curd and better cheese characteristics. And this breed is becoming more popular now. As the US starts to reprioritize the quality of milk over just quantity. These guys are also very popular for crossbreeding, adding that hybrid vigour and some of those positive milk characteristics to other breeds. Probably the most important breed on our list is the Holstein Friesian. These are usually just called Holsteins. Holstein refers to stuff that is bred in North America.

And that Friesian ending is more commonly used when we’re talking about European stock instead, they are dutch and German in origin. They came from the freeze land area, and they’re black and white. Typically in that recognisable, Piebald pattern. They’re also much larger than other breeds. These guys are the number one breed dairy of dairy in the US, and they also provide a lot of our beef in our veal. They have a fairly low productive life, they typically only are kept until they are about six years, and they have low butterfat and low protein content. So not the highest quality milk However, they produce way more milk per year than any other breed and that’s why they are the backbone of our dairy industry at this point.

Another very popular breed is the jersey jerseys are much smaller cows, and you can say they come mostly in this light, tannish font colour, although they can get even up to like a dark brown colour, and some of them have quite a bit of gold in their coat. They are also named after one of the Channel Islands the island of Jersey, in between England and France. And they have a black nose with white surrounding the muzzle and white surrounding their eyes. They have a dark tongue and they have a dark switch at the end of their tail. They can easily be confused with the brand Swiss but they’re much much smaller, more delicate-looking cows overall. They also produce less milk overall than any other breed. However, they’re really efficient so they produce more milk for the cost of feeding the jersey since they eat a lot less.

Their milk is also nutritionally superior to other milk is 18% more protein 20% more calcium 25% more butterfat than the average milk. They are less susceptible to lameness, probably because of their smaller size, as well as they have black hooves and that black compound helps make the huff harder, their milk is often worth more than the Holsteins milk, and their feeds costs are less, they’re faster to mature, so that makes them more profitable. One of the issues with jerseys, however, is because they are so much smaller, a lot of existing dairy facilities really aren’t equipped for them. Because you need equipment that is suited to the size of this cow. Some people think that this could be the more sustainable future of dairy.

Because jerseys take 32% less water to maintain and require 11% less land, they produce less manure overall and use substantially fewer fossil fuels. So it actually results in a 20% reduction in the total carbon footprint that it takes to raise a Jersey cow compared to a Holstein. So jerseys have been gaining in popularity. And if they were to replace the Holstein in the American dairy herd that would be the equivalent of taking 443,000 cars off of the road. So that’s something that we do need to consider when we’re thinking about where the industry is going. So just to recap for a moment, our most common dairy breeds in the United States are jerseys, Holstein, Friesians, guernseys, dairy, short horns, brown, Swiss, and air shares. Those are the six that you’re most likely to see.

And then American milking devins. And Dutch belted as we’ve talked about so far that are fairly rare, and so is the next one that we’re going to talk about which are line backs. So this is number 29. It’s really unclear where line backs came from. They are definitely related to Holsteins, but It looks like they represent the melting pot that was early breeding here in the US. So these are called a landrace breed. And what that means is depending on where you go in the country, there are genetically distinct local populations. And then if you compare these line backs in one area of the country to linebacker and the other, they’re very, very different from each other. So that’s what a landrace breed is. They’re locally distinct.

And part of the reason that they’re so different from each other in different areas is these guys are really bred for their colour pattern more than anything else. So they don’t have other characteristics really in common so much as their colour. They have this distinctive skunk-like stripe along their back, where they’ll have a white area there. And then they have great a black on either side of their body, often with speckled edges around the outside, and that makes it look almost Roane. But it’s a totally different gene than arone. They can also come in red varieties, but this black and white variety is much more common. They’re traditionally dual purpose. So I and milk and they became less popular after world war two when cattle we’re all bred to be superior for one use, we want to just the best dairy cow or just best beef cow.

Now these line backs are often kept with dairy herds of other breeds, and sometimes those pets and we do have a couple in the local area a couple of dairies who keep them as part of their herd, they have moderate milk eels, and they also have kind of medium milk quality. So nothing really stands out because again, they were bred for their colour. Some of the varieties are now being bred more for beef. And one of the benefits of that is they do tend to be free of heavy extra muscular fat, that fat cap. And they have fine-grained ruby red coloured meat with a bright, rich, clean flavour. So a lot of times they are bred for grass-fed beef. registration fees have actually been reduced in the breed registry so that they’re trying to encourage more farmers to breed them. And since it is related to Holsteins, they continue to be cross-bred that way, and the last breed.

It’s not technically one of our big six in the US, however, it’s really kind of another form of Holstein, and that is our red and whites. So these are actually composite breeds. So they are Holsteins, combined with air share or shorthorn. And they’re usually bred so that you get a short horn-type cow, you get those advantages of the short born, but better milk production and that comes from the Holstein so they’re going to produce a lot more quantity of milk. The red and the red and white Holstein is actually a recessive gene. So the only way to keep ensuring that you get red and whites is to breed only red and whites to each other. If you breed them back to a black and white Holstein, then at least that first-generation you’re going to get all black and whites again. So red and white Holsteins used to be within the same breed registry as regular Holstein Friesians.

But then in 1964, the breed registry basically said we’re not going to accept any red and whites. In order to be a Holstein, they have to be black and white. So at that point, they became their own breed and they started their own registry. So they are the most recently recognised dairy breed since there, they’ve been around but they’re kind of new at just being considered Retton whites. Their size and their milk yield are really comparable to Holsteins. And for the most part, they’re pretty interchangeable with Holsteins. Physically red and whites are really hard to tell apart from air shares. So in addition to the kind of looking at their actual physical features, you want to make sure that you know some of the characteristics about them that will also be asked in the quiz because sometimes it’s almost impossible to tell them apart.

Guernsey’s can also be a little bit confusing, but Guernsey does tend to be a lighter tan has less red in the coat and it has more of a golden yellow. The other two that are easy to confuse are their brand Swiss and the jersey because their colour is so similar. With brand Swiss, there’s almost always more of a grey overtone to the coat. And then Jersey is really much more of a tannish colour or brownish colour usually. And then the other big difference, of course, is size jerseys are much much smaller than brown Swiss.

Beef Cattle Breeds

Beef Cattle Breeds

Are you looking for the best beef cattle breeds in the Philippines? With so many options out there, it can be hard to choose the right one for your needs. We’ve done the research and rounded up the top breeds for you here. Read on to learn more about the best beef cattle in the Philippines!


Cattle are an integral part of Philippine culture and agriculture. The Philippine Cattle breed is an indigenous breed found throughout the Philippines. The cattle are small in size, with mature bulls weighing about 400 kg and mature cows weighing about 300 kg. This breed is known for its ability to put on more fat than other breeds, making it ideal for the popular Filipino dishes such as kaldereta, nilagang bulalo, corned beef, and mechado.

The Philippine Cattle Breed originates from Chinese and Mexican cattle and is primarily used for milk production. There are several varieties of this breed, including Batanes Black, Batangas, Ilocos, and Iloilo. In 2001, the total animal production in the Philippines was made up of 10 percent livestock species and 90 percent poultry species.

There are many different breeds of beef cattle around the world today; some of them include Brangus bull (developed in the United States in the 1930s), Beef Master (the first American Composite Breed mixing Herefords and Brahmans), Chianina (an Italian breed), Aberdeen Angus (a Scottish breed), Wagyu (a Japanese breed), Limousin (a French breed), Hereford (an English breed), Santa Gertrudis (an American Crossbreed). Each of these varieties has its own unique traits that make it suitable for different uses such as beef production or dairy production. It is important to research these breeds before deciding which one is best for you.


Carabao, also known as water buffaloes, are domesticated bovine farm animals that are native to the Philippines. They are primarily used for draft work and milk and beef production. Carabao are hardy creatures that can thrive in hot climates, making them well-suited to life in the Philippines. In addition to providing beef and milk, carabao can also be used for plowing fields, transporting goods, and other labor-intensive activities.

Carabao come in four distinct breeds: Murra Buffalo, Nili-Ravi, Philippine Carabao Production (PCP), and Swamp Buffaloes (Philippine carabaos). The PCP is the most common breed of carabao found in the Philippines. It is a cross between a local swamp buffalo and a Brahman bull from India. This breed is not only adapted to hot climates but is also especially tolerant of disease and parasites.

When choosing a breed of carabao for your farm or ranch, consider your climate and resources available to you. For example, if you have access to plenty of grassland then Murra Buffalo may be an ideal choice for you as they require more grazing land than other breeds do. Additionally, if you’re looking for draft animals then Swamp Buffaloes may be better suited due to their larger size than other breeds.

No matter which breed of carabao you choose, these hardy creatures can provide lots of benefits when it comes to agriculture in the Philippines!

Holstein Friesian

Holstein Friesian is a large breed of dairy cattle originating in northern Holland and Friesland. This breed of cattle is well-known for their black and white coloration and large size. They are one of the most popular breeds of dairy cattle due to their high production levels and ability to produce high-quality milk. Holstein cows are capable of producing up to 25,000 pounds of milk each year, making them one of the most productive breeds around. Holsteins are also suitable for cross-breeding with beef breeds in order to create high-quality veal products. Lowline bulls from this breed can weigh up to 400 kg when fully mature, making them an excellent choice for beef producers as well.


Simmentals are an ancient breed of cattle that have been around since the Middle Ages. They are known for their imposing stature and rapid growth development. Simmentals come in a variety of colors, but most commonly they are red and white. They are also known for their high milk production and calving 30 to 60 days prior to the best forage season in areas where they are bred. Simmental cows tend to breed true for specific characteristics that distinguish them from other breeds or groups of animals within the same species. If you’re looking for a breed of cattle with a long history, great milk production, and impressive size, then Simmentals may be the perfect choice for your farm.

Brown Swiss

Brown Swiss is an ancient breed of dairy cattle originating in Switzerland over 2000 years ago. Known for their hardiness and adaptability, Brown Swiss are robust, prolific breeders that can live long lives while providing milk, meat, or hides. They have strong builds with good hooves and limbs, making them a great choice for draft purposes. In the Philippines, temperate breeds like Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Brown Swiss are successfully raised as dairy cattle. Brown Swiss are also known for their excellent milk production and high-quality milk with a slightly sweet taste. It’s also worth noting that many people consider Brown Swiss to be one of the best beef cattle breeds around!


Angus cattle, also known as Aberdeen Angus, are a hardy breed of beef cattle originally from Scotland. They are one of the most popular breeds in the US for their efficient feed conversion and hardiness. Angus cattle have a moderate frame size and produce a moderate amount of milk. They have low birth weights and high fertility rates which make them ideal for producing quality beef. Their meat is also highly sought after thanks to some excellent marketing campaigns! Angus cattle are an excellent choice for those looking to raise quality beef cattle in the Philippines.


Brahman cattle are an ancient breed originating in India and now found around the world, including the Philippines. They are known for their hardiness and adaptability to different climates, making them a popular choice for beef production. Synthetic breeds have been developed from Brahman crosses, such as Brangus, Braford, SimBrah, ChaBray and BeefMaster.

The American Brahman explains that the breed was the first beef cattle to be developed in the country and consistently ranks at number one when it comes to quality meat production. The triple-crossed beef-type cattle were born on April 30 with twin female calves of Simmental-Brahman-Charolais livestock.

The Krishna Valley strain was also imported and used to a lesser extent in the Philippines. This paper presents milestones related to the origins, importations, and uses of American Brahman Cattle in the national genetic improvement program for beef production.

Overall, Brahman cattle are an ideal choice for farmers looking for hardy cattle that can produce high-quality meat. Their adaptability makes them suitable for many different climates which further adds to their popularity as a breed of choice in many countries around the world.


Charolais is a breed of beef cattle originating from the west-central to southeastern France. They are large and heavily muscled, with mature bulls weighing up to 2,000 lbs. Charolais are renowned for their growth ability and efficient feedlot gains, as well as their high quality carcasses. Triple-crossed Charolais beef-type cattle have also been bred with Simmental-Brahman cows, resulting in hardy animals with strong maternal instincts.

Charolais are known for being easy calvers and reliable producers of high quality calves. They also have superior draught work capabilities compared to other breeds, making them the ideal choice for farmers who need a dependable work animal. Additionally, they produce both milk and beef in abundance, making them an excellent all-around livestock choice.

In North America, Charolais has had an immense impact on the beef industry due to its excellent meat production qualities. As part of the “European” or “Continental” group of cattle breeds that includes Angus and Hereford breeds, Charolais is often preferred for its superior taste characteristics combined with good marbling and tenderness qualities.

Overall, Charolais is an exceptionally hardy breed that offers tremendous value as both a work animal and beef producer. With its impressive growth rate and reliability on the farmstead or ranch, it’s no wonder why this breed has become so popular in many parts of the world!

Red Polled

Red Polled cattle are a dual-purpose breed that originated in England. They come in both black and red varieties, and they are known for their deep red colour with good eye and udder pigmentation. This helps them avoid sunburn. Red Polls are medium-sized and naturally polled, making them an ideal option for farmers who don’t want to deal with horns or dehorning cattle. They are also known for their high fertility rate, which is why they’ve been bred extensively throughout the world since the 1950s. Red Poll cattle can be used both as beef cattle and dairy cows, making them a versatile breed for any farm or ranch.


Hereford cattle are a popular beef cattle breed that originated in Herefordshire, England. They’re known for their high yield of beef and efficiency of production, as well as their low birth weight, high fertility, and moderate milk production. Their frame size is medium and they have white faces with reddish-brown markings. Herefords are widely distributed around the world and have become one of the most popular breeds for beef production. They can be found in Europe, North America, South America and other parts of the world. Cattle were first domesticated over 10,000 years ago and Herefords were used for their meat, milk and labor. Today they continue to be used in commercial herds because of their hardiness and ability to thrive in a variety of climates.

South Devon

South Devon is a breed of beef cattle that has been around for centuries. It is one of the oldest beef breeds in existence and was originally found in the English county of Devon. South Devons are known for their hardiness, adaptability and mothering abilities. They are also very muscled, producing high-quality marbling and tenderness in their meat. They can be found all over the world, but they are especially popular in Australia where they have been imported since the early 1800s. South Devons are an excellent choice for both commercial and purebred producers due to their ability to thrive on limited resources and produce a high quality product.


The Shorthorn breed of cattle is one of the oldest and most widely recognized breeds of cattle in the world. It originated in England, but today it is found around the globe. The Shorthorn breed is known for its versatility and adaptability to a variety of climates, as well as its hardiness and longevity. They are a medium-sized breed, with males reaching up to about 1,600 pounds and females weighing up to 1,200 pounds.

Shorthorns are known for their docile temperaments and excellent mothering abilities. They have moderate milk production compared to other dairy breeds, but they produce high-quality beef that is leaner than many other breeds of cattle. They also have good fertility rates and low birth weights, making them an ideal choice for those looking for profitable beef production or crossbreeding programs.

Shorthorns are known for their deep red coloring, although some have white markings or roaning patterns on their coats too. A comparison of selected breeds of beef cattle shows that Angus (black and red) Herefords (horned or polled) and Shorthorns tend to be smaller framed animals with lower birth weights than most other breeds. This makes them easier to handle when calving season arrives!

Overall, the Shorthorn breed is renowned for its hardiness and productivity; it has been used around the world as a successful beef producer in both purebred herds as well as crossbreeding programs with dairy cows such as Lowline bulls or Taurus cows. Their deep red coloring adds beauty to any herd – making this versatile breed an excellent choice if you’re looking for an easy-to-manage yet profitable option when it comes to raising


The Maronese is a breed of beef cattle that originated in the Philippines. This hardy breed is known for its hardiness and adaptability, making it a great choice for farmers in the Philippines and other tropical climates. The Maronese is a dual-purpose breed, offering both meat and milk production. Their hide is also highly valued for leather products.

Maronese are medium-sized animals, with mature bulls weighing up to 1,100 kg and cows up to 800 kg. They have a deep red coat with white markings on the face and feet. These animals are relatively docile and easy to handle although they can be territorial when it comes to competing for food or mates.

The Maronese has been used extensively in crossbreeding programs designed to improve meat quality, increase fertility rates, and reduce calving difficulty in other breeds. Their genetics have also been used to develop modern commercial beef breeds like Angus, Hereford, Simmental, Charolais and Limousin among others.

Thanks to their hardiness and productivity, the Maronese cattle has become increasingly popular in recent years among farmers looking for reliable beef production from their herds.


Limousin is one of the oldest beef cattle breeds in the world, originating from the Limousin region of France. It has built a reputation for producing high-quality meat with a low proportion of fat and bone. The golden-red breed is known for its robustness and hardiness, making it suitable for both extensive and intensive management systems. Their docile temperament makes them easy to handle and they are highly adaptable to different climates and environments. Limousin are popular with farmers due to their rapid growth rate, ability to gain weight quickly, good feed efficiency and high carcass yields. Their ability to produce high-quality beef makes them a top choice for restaurants seeking premium quality cuts of meat.


Gelbvieh is a breed of cattle that originated in Bavaria, Germany in the 1800s. It is a triple-purpose breed, used for meat, milk and work. Gelbvieh are compact, muscular animals with red and white coats. They have a gentle disposition and are renowned for their excellent calving ease, milk yield and retail yield.

The breed was introduced to the United States by Carnation Milk Company in the late 19th century and has been an important part of the beef industry ever since. Gelbvieh cattle are known for their high growth rate, larger frame size and strong carcass characteristics. They are versatile animals that can be used for both commercial beef production as well as show purposes.